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As a seller there are a few key facts of which you should be aware:
80% of businesses listed for sale do not sell
One out of three businesses that go under contract fail to proceed to an actual sale
The vast majority of all business sellers are first-time sellers who are unprepared to meet the complexities and time demands of a business sale transaction
“Do-it-yourself” sellers typically receive considerably less than the fair market value of their business
Over 50% of all small-to-medium sized business sales arranged by sellers without professional help result in transactional problems, dissatisfaction, or default
Today’s business buyer demands reliable financial and operational information that can be confirmed during the sale process
We specialize in business sales and acquisitions of firms ranging in price from $10,000 to over $10,000,000 and have sold businesses in a wide range of industries throughout Florida over the past 28 years.
We understand that proper preparation and a strategic approach are necessary to sell a business and can provide you with the benefit of our experience and knowledge to help ensure that your business is one of the 20% of successful sales that occur. Although selling a business can seem like a complicated process it doesn’t have to be.
Making the decision to sell your business is actually the easy part. How you go about it is what will make the difference in the end result. You need to set a price, advertise the business, negotiate with prospective buyers, as well as address a myriad of legal and financial details. Understanding that most accounting in privately held companies is done to minimize tax obligations and may therefore not portray the company in the best light is often a concern for the seller but this is a problem that we deal with every day.
We guarantee to ensure the utmost confidentiality so that your employees, suppliers, and customers will be unaware that your business is for sale. This is critical to the continued smooth running of the business during any sale negotiations. We will work with you through the pre-sale consultation process to ensure you fully understand the various elements involved in a sale.
Statistics have shown that 25% of all businesses change hands each year. Because so many small businesses go on the market each year selling becomes a competitive issue, and having a good business broker working for you is invaluable. We can promote your business to prospective buyers not only in your local area but also across the United States and overseas, thus guaranteeing high levels of exposure.
Using our extensive resources we will conduct buyer searches to find the ideal match and will pre-screen any such buyers to determine their financial qualifications before taking their interest any further. We work with each potential buyer and their team to find the right business for their needs and so the prospects we bring to you are genuinely interested in your business, as well as being financially capable of making a purchase.
Our research has shown that roughly only 1 out of 10 buyers ever buys the type of business they actually first called us about, and only 1 in 400 buys the specific business advertised! Whilst this can be frustrating if you are trying to sell your business alone, it is a big plus if you are working with us. Since we receive dozens of inquiries each day, the fact that you listed your company with us increases the chances of finding a buyer early in the selling process.
Once we reach the point of an offer being made we will obtain the best possible price and terms for the sale of your business and assist in the negotiation of the purchase agreement. In short, we will be on hand to guide you through the entire process from start to finish to ensure a successful transfer of your business.
Whether you are ready to sell your business now or are just beginning to think about it, Contact Us for a confidential, no cost appointment and business evaluation. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have.
For more information on the various steps involved in selling your business see our ‘How The Process Works’ section, or to speak with us directly call 407-908-4663.
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